Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

28 June 2007 (Thursday)

Rise later than normal, but normal morning routines. Spend the morning working on more financial numbers and getting a statement of work approved. Caught myself getting irritated at my manager, but took a step back and saw that I was being unreasonable - I had expected that he would have the time to have read through an e-mail thread. Resent the relevant information, and off we go. Other than that, a fairly mild day, and somewhat of a struggle to stay engaged. I'm feeling the pull away from here, and a part of me is hoping to be let go. I'm just not feeling as if I'm contributing anything valuable for the long-term.

A quick run out at lunch to purchase necessary gear for my basic rider's course. Relatively painless, with very knowledgeable and pleasant sales people.


BRC in the evening - a total of three hours covering written material, videos and motorcycle descriptions and functions. All very interesting, and quite frankly, a little intimidating. I've never ridden, so I'm intimidated by the physical coordination required. I thought about this a little on the way home and observed how I drove my car. The coordination involved here is different, but still challenging if you were new at it. So, I think I can handle this.

Home to dinner and the new Rush DVD Snakes and Arrows. Damn.


Excellence is achieved by the mastery of fundamentals. - Vince Lombardi

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