Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Monday, July 23, 2007

23 July 2007 (Monday)

Away from the journal for a bit. I'll back-fill for some of the past week from my notes.

Up at 6:30 this morning. This is another morning where the previous alarm (5:15) went off, I shut it off, but I don't remember doing it. I know I was tired when I went to bed, but I didn't realize how tired. I also don't remember Lisa coming to bed.

In to work for the first of any meetings. My boss is late calling me, but we manage to cover what we need to in 30 minutes. I get the sense, now that my final day has been set, he is treading a bit more carefully. This is a bit selfish on his part, and I can't blame him. He needs to get things done, and my termination is not his choice.

More meetings (customer, new projects) and finally a meeting with the local HR dude to get the official paperwork for my end of service. No real surprises, and it's actually good to speak with him for a while. As far as HR people go, he's pretty good (the classic "joke" is that Human Resources is neither). He's always been willing to share "off the record" and I have always appreciated his candor. In addition to my own situation, was also talk about the general health of our business, and my frank disappointment in our management. This isn't due solely to my termination, but a larger issue that I see with the staff. Enough has happened with our colleagues in the last two years that management has effectively used up all of its goodwill with the employees and is now deep in debt. Even those people who generally and blindly tow the line are having doubts.

Meet another colleague int he hall and talk about my purchasing some power tools from him. I also learn that he's found another position outside the company and will be leaving soon. The next wave has begun.

Now, a few last items, and I'll head home. Hopefully, The Deathly Hallows will be read and ready for me when I get there.


Home at a reasonable time to a quiet house. Lisa completes the Potter, and now I'm off. I ask her what she's having for dinner, and she asks what are we having for dinner? in reply. I suggest that it is only her having dinner - I'm reading.

A small side conversation about her day at work and the behavior of her boss at work. In a recurring theme for the day, we discuss HR as a corporate tool.


Potter is complete. Good stuff all the way through. I'll probably read through it again later in the week to pick up the things I might have missed. Downstairs to attend to the broken-assed cat, then to the dog's nails and finally to bed.

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