Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

25 July 2007 (Wednesday)

A bit of a struggle to rise this morning, some irritation with the dog for kicking me and whining all morning. One the ride in, I heard an interesting term on NPR, regarding Iran's youth that don't necessarily buy into the rhetoric of the current regime: lipstick jihadists.

In to work by 8:30 with intention. Some of the fog cleared this morning and I had a clear sense of some items that need to be completed this week. Good progress on another tracking spreadsheet for project surveys. I hope to have many of these tools ready for the team before I leave.

A merry lunch watching the ping pong finals in the cafeteria, that somehow drifted down the path to the murders in Cheshire. I'm not sure how we got there, but that pretty much ended lunch.


A few more items tackled in the afternoon, and a late meeting to address issues with a project nearing its completion. The resource I have from the eHosting team is really good, though he needs some guidance with communication. Other than that, things are going well.

Out after work to a local watering hole/pool hall for a going away drink for one of our team. He has gotten a job with the State of Connecticut, just ahead of his notification of termination (we would have been in the same notification group as I am).

Home and to bed.

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