Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday - In escape mode

Rise at 6:00, morning routines and in to work. The main things to be in for are two update meetings for projects. Other than that, my day is pretty open. When not in the two meetings, I work outside on the picnic tables again.

From my sunny vantage point, I watch the traffic ebb and flow, eventually settling on simply slow-going. With that in mind, I leave early for home so that I can pick up the cat and get him to the vets for a 4:40 appointment. Traffic is slightly better than I expect, so I make it home with ample time. At the vets, Josh pulls the stitches out of Simon's belly and thoroughly checks the surgery results. He's not 100% pleased (there is some swelling of the fatty tissues that hasn't gone away completely), but he thinks the cat is doing well. I've really noticed that he's much more vocal and mobile in the past week. So, another 2 weeks of confinement to the laundry room and more convalescence before the boy can roam the house freely. This will give the stomach muscles more time to knit.

On the way out, I pick up Theo's ashes. The tin is so small.

Home, and an idle evening to begin our long weekend.

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