Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday, What's that light coming at me? Camp Royalston - Day 0

Rise a bit earlier this morning, as sleep was not really there. No dreams that I remember, but I woke with some anxiety. Yay!

In to work and talking with a colleague about my rather chipper attitude, despite the work circumstances. We agree, during our conversation, that we've actually had it pretty good at Bayer, and other than being let go, there's not too much to complain about. They (Bayer) are actually handling this much better than the last company I was at.

More menu review. I have a sense of meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as dinner next Thursday through breakfast on Saturday. The rest is a blank slate awaiting the rest of the team. Dinners seem to be pretty straightforward for me to get a view of, but lunches are a big gap. The weather is supposed to be warm, but cooler than they have been in the past week (high 70's to low 80's, rather than mid-90's). I'm still thinking lunches will be "cool", but the particulars still elude me.

Out at lunch to get a few more items for the course (mostly personal). While out, I think of a few more things to get, but only remember two of three by the time I get back to the office. Back into work for one last meeting, print out a few more recipes, and pack it in. From here, home, packing, more shopping, then out to a hair appointment and then to Camp Caravan. There is dial-up access at the camp, so I might be able to post during the week, but it is likely that I'll back-post when I return.


Once I leave work, out for one more shopping run, then home to complete packing. I'm feeling a bit discombobulated and stressed, but am managing this through a series of lists to ensure that I have accounted for everything I need. In the worst case, I can be home in two hours to amend any missing items, but I feel pretty confident that I have everything covered.

I leave the house to get cash and am officially on the road by 9:15 PM, and arrive at Camp Royalston at 11:00. Meet Dev and review the facilities, filling him in on the work done last weekend and weighing options for items tomorrow (including likely locations for "Scottie's Potties"). Reassess the kitchen - despair and hope colliding in me. More facilities review, and we head off to bed at 1:30 AM.

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