If you write, then you will have more writing.
It seems obvious, but the feedback loop for this is remarkable - the more I write, the more I want to write. I've been combing through some of my old notes and thoughts, and have been rereading and refining the content. I've also had some recent inspiration in the form of blogs by Seth Godin (http://sethgodin.typepad.com/), Bob Lewis (http://www.weblog.keepthejointrunning.com/) and Kevin Kelly (http://kk.org/). Some posts are longer, some are shorter, but all tickle parts of my brain that need need it. I'm still revising a few posts, looking for inconsistencies in language, but more importantly, in thought - are these cogent, well thought out arguments and observation? Are they coherent? Am I being too cynical? Am I presenting this intentionally, whether it be humorous, cynical, confrontational or thoughtful? I may or may not publish them - for now, they are a way for me to organize my thoughts, question my own thinking and ask myself, "Really, what do you believe, and does it hold up?"
Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.