Part 1
It’s that time of year: time to make resolutions we’ll mostly never keep. We’ve all done it (or not done it, as is usually the case), so how to do things differently so you can achieve something? How to improve ourselves and not give up or feel like a failure for not living up to our giddy, hung-over expectations at the beginning of a new year? I took a look at my own past resolutions and very limited success, and saw a few of the ways I let myself down and basically set myself up to fail. Lest you think I came up with all of these on my own, rest assured I’m not that smart. They’re a collection of ideas I’ve gleaned from places and processes where people are much smarter than I am – I owe a continuing debt of gratitude to my current and previous employers, PMI, Fourth Way Work and my life in Guitar Craft.Bigger is not always better…
…neither is unclear, vague or difficult to measure. This appears to be the most common issue with my resolutions are the sheer size, scale and unclear nature of the thing. “Get in better shape” is a great resolution, but is pretty vague. “Learning a new language” is an excellent thing to strive for, but is a really massive undertaking. So, how to improve my chances of success? I’ll be falling back on a classic business/HR tool from work: SMART goals. (S)pecific, (M)easurable, (A)chieveable, (R)elevant, (T)ime-bound. If you lay out your resolutions this way, you get a couple of benefits: something more manageable and clear, you’ll have thought the thing through a bit, and you won’t have come up with too huge a list.Resolutions are more than a list of tasks…
…but you’re not going to be able to accomplish them without a plan. (Hey, I’m a project manager, so of course I’m going to support plans, but scaled appropriately.) A transformative change isn’t usually something that can be accomplished in a short or sudden burst, so you’ll need a map to get there. Also, I’m not against bucket-list items being on my resolutions, but resolving to do something should carry with it some sense of personal betterment. It's even better if it serves others.Accentuate the positive…
…and try not to be negative. There’s a great aphorism: the aim should be stated clearly, positively and actively. I’ve covered clarity in the first point, but I think the positive aspect is a key. There are some things that have to be stated using the negative (stopping smoking, as an example), but they can almost always be stated in a positive, active way. Saying “I will stop smoking” is very different from “I will not smoke”; I will do something, rather than I won’t.Shoot for a date to be done…
…that isn’t the end of the year. Or if you are resolving to do something that will take the full year (or longer), make sure you’ve got markers and checks in place to keep you moving towards the goal. You may think you have all the time in the world, but how often have we found ourselves at the end of the year looking at the wrong end of our optimism?Be accountable…
…without being overbearing. You need to monitor progress. This is where your plan comes in handy: make sure you’ve incorporated points where you can remind yourself that progress needs, nay demands, to be made. Additionally, I’ve always found that I have better success when I have another, like minded person involved in my accountability. I need someone to remind me, occasionally, that I’ve made a commitment (and commitments are to be honored). And doing this for others reminds you of and strengthens your own commitments. Just don’t be judgmental (to yourself or others) – be sensible about adjusting when it’s called for. There’s nothing as satisfying as grasping something that felt like it was just out of reach, but there’s nothing as frustrating as not accomplishing something you had absolutely no chance of doing.Put a price on it…
…and then pay it. This one might feel strange at first, but I’ve found to be valuable. This idea is related to accountability, but I think it deserves its own consideration. What is accomplishing this actually worth to you? And what do you think it should cost you if you miss your commitment? As an example, let’s say as part of a resolution to get in shape you commit to working out three days a week for 30 minutes. You also decide ahead of time that 30 minutes of your time is worth $25 to you. What if you get to the end of the week and you’ve missed a workout? You could do your workout right then and there. Or, you could choose to pay the price, let’s say making a donation to the local food bank equivalent to the value of your workout time. Betterment for you or others either way.
Remember, there’s no limit to the things you’ll never accomplish unless you have a plan to make it happen. So what are you willing to commit to publicly that we can hold each other to? What tricks do you have to see yourself through to
the end? By the way, here are three of my personal resolutions I’m willing to make public. Keep me honest.
- I will write creatively, at least 1000 words per week. It can be anything, a blog, a journal, short stories, fleshing out existing ideas or creating new ones, poems and song lyrics. Work e-mails definitely do not count.
- I will complete the Corporate 5K this year in under 29 minutes. I did it in 30:22 last year – one and a half minutes may not sound like a lot, but it’s tougher than you might think (a 5% improvement). I improved last year’s time by 2 minutes, so this feels reasonable.
- I will record one piece of solo music for the guitar. This will be something small, and relatively familiar, like the first Bach Cello Prelude (G Major). So, this is the one that actually terrifies me a bit. Why you ask? Perhaps that’s a question worth spending a-few-of-a-1000 words on at a later time.