Monday, July 2nd, 2012, 193, NS, JotD, AAD 32
Rise at 5:45, shower, sitting and off to work. Found myself looping from the car to the house twice, as I forgot two things on the way out. Inauspiscious way to begin the day. More of a start really.
A crazy week for looking forward and back:
- Potential news this week about the Higgs boson, aka why some things have mass
- A research team leaving for a small island in the Pacific, with a strong lead that they have found where Amelia Earhart was stranded after crashing
A good morning workout, very upper-body focused:
3 times through:
5 presses each arm (35# KB)
5 pull-ups
10 pushups (hands on medicine balls)
10 rows each arm (45# KB)
20 overhead swings (45# KB)
I think this will be at least twice a week, with the Friday big workout as the third.
Beginning the middle week of the AAD. I've been struggling with my capacity to learn new material. Part of this may be the time I approach it (evenings), part of it seems to be an internal limit. Looking for ways to improve this - a limited ability to read and "envision" the music feels like the the main things to address.
Home. Tired. Practice. Play. Bed
Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.