Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Tuesday July 3rd, 2012, 194, NS, JotD, AAD 33

Rise at 5:45.  Sitting, working with the theme of Goodwill (in addition to Intention and Presence).  My sense of this is one of building, that Goodwill requires both to be true and honest.  A delay getting out of the house (not due to inattentiveness for a change), and in to work.

Lashed to the desk longer than I intended this morning, addressing some overnight issues.  Frustrating for me, even more frustrating for my development team.

Lower-body focus in the gym today:
- 1/4 mile run (10-minute pace)
- 3 rounds 10 dead-lifts w/35# & 45# KB
- 3 rounds single-leg stability 15 sec each leg
- 3 rounds calf raises 20 each legs
- 3 rounds 10 front squats w/20# & 25# KB

More focus on quality of form than maximum weight.

Discussion this morning about a disconnect in the business process and how it affects us, as a downstream process.  I can see the end-gaining going on: there is a lot of "doing" while acknowledging the problems.  The business flow doesn't allow (or the perception is that it doesn't allow) a slow-down in order to make things more efficient.  Fundamentally, things need to stop for a week, and allow people to regroup and call out the things that are making the job near impossible without a high level of constant heroics.  A Kaizen event would be ideal, but I'm not sure I could convince peope to a) do the event, and b) follow up on the recommendations.

The very definition of involuntary suffering.