Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday, July 24th 2008

Rise at 6:00, downstairs to check the status of the evenng's runs. Everything has completed on time, which is unusual (but very welcome) after a release. Morning routine, but realize after I am at work that either a) I forgot to perform ablutions, or b) I don't remember doing them. In either case, something significant lost this morning.

Now that this release is complete, I have to do a review of the project, and gather any information about what we could have done better. The human response is "what could everyone else have done better" or "what did someone else do that caused me issues". The lessons learned approach is "what can we have done better" and more specifically "what can I do better". We'll see how this works out. Incremental changes, and all that.

Otherwise, just tired today, partly from last evening's work, partly from some wine last night. Looking forward to the weekend - dinner with friends, completing the bathroom repairs, flea and farmer's markets and some down time. The weather looks to be improving, so an afternoon on the hammock is in order.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The second half of the year...

Noble souls, through dust and heat,
Rise from disaster and defeat
The stronger.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow