Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Patience is the Mother of Will.  If you do not have a mother, how can you be born?
- G. I. Gurdieff via J. G. Bennett in Witness

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Nothing is something worth doing.

Monday, October 1, 2012


What makes your practice go deeper and deeper is the day-by-day effort of sitting.  - Shunryu Suzuki

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Tuesday July 3rd, 2012, 194, NS, JotD, AAD 33

Rise at 5:45.  Sitting, working with the theme of Goodwill (in addition to Intention and Presence).  My sense of this is one of building, that Goodwill requires both to be true and honest.  A delay getting out of the house (not due to inattentiveness for a change), and in to work.

Lashed to the desk longer than I intended this morning, addressing some overnight issues.  Frustrating for me, even more frustrating for my development team.

Lower-body focus in the gym today:
- 1/4 mile run (10-minute pace)
- 3 rounds 10 dead-lifts w/35# & 45# KB
- 3 rounds single-leg stability 15 sec each leg
- 3 rounds calf raises 20 each legs
- 3 rounds 10 front squats w/20# & 25# KB

More focus on quality of form than maximum weight.

Discussion this morning about a disconnect in the business process and how it affects us, as a downstream process.  I can see the end-gaining going on: there is a lot of "doing" while acknowledging the problems.  The business flow doesn't allow (or the perception is that it doesn't allow) a slow-down in order to make things more efficient.  Fundamentally, things need to stop for a week, and allow people to regroup and call out the things that are making the job near impossible without a high level of constant heroics.  A Kaizen event would be ideal, but I'm not sure I could convince peope to a) do the event, and b) follow up on the recommendations.

The very definition of involuntary suffering.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Monday, July 2nd, 2012, 193, NS, JotD, AAD 32

Rise at 5:45, shower, sitting and off to work.  Found myself looping from the car to the house twice, as I forgot two things on the way out.  Inauspiscious way to begin the day.  More of a start really.

A crazy week for looking forward and back:
- Potential news this week about the Higgs boson, aka why some things have mass
- A research team leaving for a small island in the Pacific, with a strong lead that they have found where Amelia Earhart was stranded after crashing

A good morning workout, very upper-body focused:

3 times through:
5 presses each arm (35# KB)
5 pull-ups
10 pushups (hands on medicine balls)
10 rows each arm (45# KB)
20 overhead swings (45# KB)

I think this will be at least twice a week, with the Friday big workout as the third.

Beginning the middle week of the AAD.  I've been struggling with my capacity to learn new material.  Part of this may be the time I approach it (evenings), part of it seems to be an internal limit.  Looking for ways to improve this - a limited ability to read and "envision" the music feels like the the main things to address.

Home.  Tired.  Practice.  Play.  Bed

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Thursday June 28th, 2012, ???, NS, JotD, AAD 28, BTTHG C1

Rise at 6:40 - no gym this morning, as it's a day off.  Shower, sitting and off to work. Presence is the Theme for this week, and a constant return to where I am in this moment.  Easier said than done.

I was sick the past couple of days, so didn't go into work.  Some time relaxing at home and being present.  The Theme work helps, as I could work on Intention and Presence, rather than giving in to whatever bug was eating at me.  Though I had to give into the bug occasionally.  Today is a return to work, catching up and planning for the next week.  We're still working to complete a few things that have lingered, and I have to be present to keep this from becoming a major frustration issue.

I began reading Beelzebub's Tales... this week.  I began this two years ago this week, and was unable to sustain it.  Perhaps it wasn't the right time, and now is.  I have a sense that in this particular 7 year cycle, I'm at the right place, and have built up the necessary capacity to approch this aspect of the Work again.  We'll see - this time it has a sense of necessity, between the Guitar Circle courses, Enneagram work and contact with the Bennett group.

Slogged through the day, rather unceremoniously.  Sometimes you're all there, and sometimes you have to phone it in.  Today was a telephone day.  A two-cans-and-a-string-telephone day.

Home to a hungry wife, and out for dinner to Ted's.  Then, over to Sephora, where our oldest nephew has started to work.  It's his first "real" job, outside of wokring at various horse barns - a completely different experience.  He's in his element though, and his artistic ability, as well as his social nature, seem to make this a good fit.  we'll see how he likes the corporate world versus the barn world.  Same politics in a different form.

Now practice, some light gaming and to bed.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Monday June 25th, 2012, 193, NS, JotD, AAD 25

Wake at 5:45, rise at 5:55.  Shower, sit and off to work.  Still looking to maintain a sense of Intention as I leave the house - carrying last week's Theme from the AAD forward.  The plan for the week is to build, carrying Intention and Presence forward, eventually building up to all seven of the principles for work in the circle.  What if I could carry that through every day of my life?

Friday, June 22, 2012


Friday June 22nd, 2012, 191, NS, JotD, AAD 22

Rise at 5:55, 10 minutes after the alarm.  Curious how a small shift in time can have a larger impact later, unless one is very careful.  Today I am able to manage this, keeping the theme of Intention in mind, and arrive at work at 7:00, even with the quick trip around the yard to check a couple of the plantings.  Potatoes are taking off!

The schedule doesn't look too dramatic today, so I may be able to get all of my status and updates done by the time I leave.  The plan is to have our Friday workout a bit earlier today, so we can begin the weekend a bit sooner.  Looking forward to a break in the heat tomorrow.

A reasonable day today, status reports & updates out to the various teams.  A big milestone today with one of the more challenging projects, which will allow us to have a completion for a change.  It is sad that this is the case - I'm constantly amazed at the resilience of the teams, despite the fact that there is no closure to these projects, no real way to acknowledge success (or failure) and move on.

Friday workout was a good one:

Tabata sequence: 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, do the most reps you can each round, score on the lowest number of reps in the 8 rounds
 Dumbell rows (2 hands, 25#)

2 minute rest
Pushups 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest
2 minute rest

Dumbell squats (2 hands, 25#) 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest

16 minutes total - 10 rows, 6 pushups, 6 squats

Home to a nice weather weekend.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


June 21, 2012, ???, JotD, AAD 21

Rise at 6:15, feet on the floor.  Sitting, shower and derailed on my way out the door.  Into work and chasing down requirements for something due at the end of the month.  Today's challenge: meeting an arbitrary deadline with no details as to what we need to do.

So, I was derailed on the way out the door this morning.  I reacted to something in a way I'm not particularly happy about.  Implicit demands were being made of my attention, energy needing to be directed, appropriate sympathetic responses to other's work situation to be made - this despite clearly moving towards the door and my day.  I couldn't break away from the need to leave for work, and I had a difficult time being engaged with what was being sent my way.  So the end result was a terseness and sarcasm that may have been unwarranted, and comments that while not nasty, were not the sympathetic statements desired (or that I sensed were desired).

I can sense that this will govern the cycle of my day, if I let it.  There is a part of me that senses I'm justified in being a bit angry about this.  In fact, there is a part of me ranting about the unfairness of having other people's issues landed on me before I've even had a chance to get fully established in my day.  Another part of me (the observer, and probably the part writing this), wonders if I was simply caught off guard, and the lizard-brain is responding.  Am I reacting or responding?  Is this a pure defense reaction, without control or reason, or is this a conscious response, protecting myself from a drain on my psyche.

Here are the fundamental problems: how do I know which is happening (the response or the reaction), and the rightness of either; how to address this with the person who needed something I wasn't able to give at the time; how to better equip myself to handle this in the future.

Some commiserating at work about the derailment.  I know this is universal, especially in long-term relationships.  I know I am often doing the derailing, so I have a sense of the source.  What bothers me is my own handling of things.  In some sense, the "ideal" I have been taught is that of selflessnes and giving; the elevation of other's needs over my own.  At what point do my own needs take precedence - to the point of anger?

Somewhat back on track later in the day.  I keep coming back to my feet on the floor, and what my intention is for the next meeting, hour, e-mail, whatever.  Very instructive, as this helps dissipate.

Home to dinner, practice, gaming, a brief talk and bed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mura, Muri, Muda Revisited

Wednesday June 19th, 2012, ???, NS, JotD, AAD 19

Rise, with Intention, at 5:45.  Sitting, shower, and out to work.  Second day that on the way out I lost the thread of the day before I even got to the Jeep.  In to work, and on to planning the next phase of the project.  We're at the requirements phase, and I need to draw out many of the details from the business owner.  This is our normal way of operating: a one sentence statement becomes the basis for a development project, with the expectation that this one sentence is enough for us to work with.  Unless this sentence is Joycian 30 page sentence, it is never enough.  Such is the joy of project management and business analysis.

Reviewing the 6-Sigma Voice of the Customer tools with our ITLP yesterday, and the slide on Mura, Muri, Muda came up again.  A bit of a flash, and a thought occurred to me: if this is the definition of the three things we're seeking to address in a process:

Mura - Inconsistency
Muri – Overburdening
Muda – Non-value adding

I can see Guitar Craft/Circle analogues/aphorisms:

Muri – (Honor) Sufficiency
Muda – (Honor) Necessity

What then is Mura?  Discipline? A consistent practice?  Something that bears some thought, and finding the question that goes with it. 

Head home for the Wednesday night dinner, 9 in the house for the evening, including the Kalifornia Krew, my nephew and a visitor from Ireland.  On the menu: tequila-lime pork carnitas, roasted potatoes, corn with lime & manchego.  Watermelon and grapenut ice cream for dessert.

Pre-meal workout with Micah.  No run today, but we did a cross-fit workout from one of the Friday sessions:

200 yard sprint
then 3x, all KB are 35#:
5 KB presses (each side)
10 KB rows (each side)
15 burpees
20 KB overhead swings
200 yard sprint

Both sucking wind by the end.   Micah can blow by me in the runs, but I've got better KB mechanics, so I was done a bit ahead of him (on the 3.5 mile runs, he's well ahead of me).  A good workout, made a bit tougher by the heat.

Dinner, good conversation, practice, and then to bed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lie Down

Tuesday June 19th, 2012, 189, S!, JotD, AAD 19

Rise at 5:45 after little sleep - the dog was in full whiney-itchy mode, and never really settled.  Rise this morning with the first of the AAD themes in mind: Intention.  As the feet hit the floor, I can visualize the initial part of my day: the sitting, the drive to work, my initial review of work e-mail, my daily workout.

Set out for work and realize that in my haste to get out of the house, I've already lost connection with the day.  Reconnect as I get in the Jeep, and begin again.

Morning workout:
Barbell deadlift - 3 sets of 6 @ 135#
Dumbell front squats - 3 sets of 6 @ 70# (60# on the last set)
One leg calf raises - 1 set of 15 @ 190#
Leg curls - 1 set of 15 @ 130#
Cross-body sit-ups - 3 sets of 10 on each side

Lighter weight on the deadlift and squats this week, to protect my back and work on form.  Still having a bit of a twinge, this week in my right leg and hip rather than the left.  More comfortable sitting this week, less so in walking - running still seems to be fine.  I have a feeling this is more a back/neuro issue than a muscle issue. 

It seems an odd and amusing thing to me that eight of the top ten books on Amazon today are either 50 Shades of Grey, Game of Thrones or the Hunger Games. 

Had to do an AT lie-down at work for the first time in years - definitely made a difference in my back.  I think I'll be scheduling this more often during the remainder of the week.  I had my left ankle settle in a way that I hadn't experienced since about 2002.  The thing I noticed was that at the same time, my left hip settled as well - not as dramatically (you can almost hear the ankle shift as it moves to the floor), but it was certainly there.  More importantly, I was as well.

Leave work and do some shoppipng for tomorrow's dinner, then home, begin some prep work (chopping, starting the pork), practice, then to bed.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Scale of Necessity

Monday June 18th, 2012, 189, NS, JotD, AAD 18

Rise at 5:30, sitting, and out to work.  A quick check-in on e-mail and the release, then to the gym:

5 explosive pushups
7 pullups
9 thrusters (each side, 35#)
21 two-handed overhead swings (35#)
3 rounds of the above, followed by 1/2 mile run

Back up to the desk and scheduling an early meeting to check on the status of the release.  Still a few lingering data & code issues to address, a few more items popping up as the customer tests deeper.

One drawback to the way we work, is that the customer doesn't always test as deeply as they need to.  Today is a case in point: as they test, they see items that appear to be incorrect.  The only problem is/are: they were this way in QA when we got the release approval, they were this way in production, and they were not part of the original release.  So, how to ensure we're beginning from a quality base, before moving on to the next development items?  And, important as a project manager: how to appropriately identify items that are release related, and those that are lingering issues from prior work.

A very productive day yesterday.  Out to the flea market, picked up two small chainsaws for $20 apiece, and a Craftsman toolbox with a pile of sockets, wrenches and assorted other bits & pieces for a little more than the price of the toolbox.  I couldn't get the saws to start, but I need to switch out spark plugs and check a few things before I take them to the local saw shop.  Either way, good deals abounded.

Didn't go to the market, but we plowed through a good deal of the vegetable and ornamental plantings.  Stuck mostly to pots - we'll tackle landscape this week.  Good time in the sun, and things are coming together.  When we're both in the mode, we can get an amazing amount of work done.  I wonder what prevents us from doing this other times?  I know if Lisa's got the energy but I don't, there is a twinge of guilt - even if the lack of energy is real.

This brings me back to something I noticed in the lead-up to the camp Caravan course.  No matter how tired I was, I had a sense of what needed to be done, and that I would do it.  I had made that decision, and whether it was me alone or with others, necessity would be served.  I don't often feel that same sense of necessity in my daily life, in some sense, a feeling of service to others.  Why are the needs of the 60 people coming in for this course more deserving of my attention than those of me or my wife?  What cognitive shift needs to happen to bring that more directly into my every day work?  The JotD is one way, but even in my long-term practice of this, I feel something is missing.

So, what is the scale of necessity?

On the way home, stop into Lowe's to replace the wheelbarrow that is now rusting through.  Muscle this into the Jeep, and then home to complete the JotD and help with planting - this by moving heavy things.  I pick things up and I put them down.

Dinner, practice, then to bed.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ending the week

Friday, June 15th, 2012, ???, NS, JotD, AAD 15

Rise at 5:45, sit and begin working at 6:30.  Working from the home/mobile office today, as I need some service done on the Jeep.  270K requires a bit of attention.

Release status meeting at 11:00 today.

A long day, ending near 11:00 PM, as the release progresses.  A number of issues have arisen, none related to the actual release.  In fact, they are all issues with the previous version that the increased testing attention has forced to the surface.  Unfortunately, from a project perspective, they must all be resolved for this to be usable as a daily reporting tool.  So onward we go.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


June 14th, 2012, 188, NS, JotD, AAD 14

Rise a bit later (today is a day off from the gym), sitting, and then into work.  A full morning of meetings and status updates.  We're still on track for a release tomorrow - I'm reasonably confident that we'll get there for a change.  A few things added to the requirement, mostly data, so we're able to absorb it.  Normally in the project world, this would generate a significant amount of work - change control, approvals, etc.  In our world, we're blessedly a bit more flexible.

Part of the reason I remain working in this organization (rather than seeking other employment) is that, despite the rapid change and demands of the job, we have a strong team that is technically adept and extremely flexible.  I can't overstate the value (to me, at least) of a team like this; and it's the combination of the business and IT resources, not just one or the other.  My experience is that you can survive if one half or the other is highly functioning, but to really succeed, you need both.

Fly through the work day, ending with the weekly status meeting.  Many things coming to completion at the same time, so Friday will be a scheduling challenge.

Home to a quick dinner of leftovers, True Blood, practice, then bed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Standing, lying, sitting

June 13th, 2012, 191, S!, JotD, AAD 13

Rise at 5:45, sitting and in to work.  Solid (and quick) upper body workout this morning:

3 sets barbell presses, 8 @ 65#
3 sets pullups, 6 ea.
3 sets dips, 6 ea.
3 sets dumbell rows, 8 @ 55#
1/2 mile run

My back is still out of sorts, but it is more of an issue during/after sitting.  Standing, lying prone, walking and (interstingly) running aren't so much of an issue.  Experimenting with my sitting position, to see what affects things, but at this point if I sit for too long, I'm in a bit of pain for about 5 minutes until I walk it off.

Observing people as I walk is internally instructive.  I notice how someone holds their hand while they walk: clenched, or tight to their side, or at an awkward angle, and I immediately check into my own hand.  Inevitably I am unconsciously and with no awareness doing something with that part of my body, holding in some completely unnecessary way.  No judgement on the person I've observed, or on my unobserved self, just an opportunity to check in.

I also notice how people use the space.  There are a set of glass double doors at the end of the hallway.  One door is always open, the other mostly stays closed.  Neither is locked, but inevitably when there is a traffic jam due to two-way traffic through the door, nobody opens the other door.  On the surface, it seems like a simple resolution: I can't go through this door, so I'll open the other.  What is it that prevents people from either seeing the solution or acting on it?  This is one instance that I see every day at work - what am I missing in the rest of my day?  What other doors are there that I can't see or can't make the intellectual leap to open?

Home to prepare the Wednesday dinner, and then out for a run with Micah.  Not bad, considering: 3.6 miles in 40:25 - roughly an 11:15 mile pace.  More work to do for a "good" 5K time.  A good dinner, practice and then to bed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mura, Muri, Muda

June 12th, 2012, 192, NS, JotD, AAD 12

Rise at 5:45, sitting and into work.  Early e-mails and status updates, followed by the morning exercise routine:

Lower Body focus:
- Barbell deadlift, 3 sets @ 8 reps, 125#, 135#, 145# (finding a good weight to settle on for future workouts)
- Dumbell squats, 3 sets @ 8 reps, 70#, 80#, 80#
- Calf raises, 1 set @ 20 reps, 210# (machine)
- Leg curls, 1 set @ 15 reps, 130# (machine)
- Sit-ups, 2 sets @ 10 reps each side, knee raised, sit up to opposite knee

A bit much on the squats - on the last two reps, I got out of balance, let my back round, and my shoulders came in front of my knees, which triggered my back.  A bit sore now, but directing in order to manage the soreness; the more out of alignment I am, the worse it is.  Thus, AT saves the day, yet again.

Reviewing a Lean/Six Sigma presentation that our TDLP is putting together.  Brian is really on the ball (all of these leadership program "students" have been outstanding), and I'm looking to leverage his experience and training in one of my projects.  There are three key areas of process waste that Lean looks to address:

Mura - Inconsistency
Muri – Overburdening

Muda – Non-value adding

All seek to address items that are not necessary to the process or the customer.  This originally came out of the manufacturing sector, but there are many other places we can apply the principles.  So, for daily life, first: where are these three areas of waste, and second: what must be done to address them?

Home & completing the dishes, then out to Pho with the nephew & the Kalifornia Krew.   Home to some prep for Wednesday dinner, practice, and then to bed.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Return to the Center

June 10th, 2012, ???, NS, JoTD, AAD 10

Rise at 6:30, sit & out with my niece for breakfast a the Omelete.  Havent' raelly done breakfast in a while, and even though I ate far too much yesterday, I still had an omelet and most of my (loaded) hash browns.

Out to The Flea - I still dont know why skimming through other people's junk is entertaining to me.  Perhaps I've got a lingering yankee thing, where I hate to see anything that might be useful sit somewhere other than my garage.  OK, not perhaps.  Regardless, I resisted the urge and let a few things go; perhaps this is the most useful exercise I can do on a Sunday - keeping in mind what is necessary.

After The Flea, out to the farmer's market.  Strawberries, popcorn, onions, mustard, peas & garlic.  The beginnings of my Wednesday meal are appearing.

At 1:00, my sister arrives to pick up my niece, I head out to lunch with D & L, back to the house to take care of Sunday necessities, then practice and some gaming to complete the night.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Saturday, June 9th, 2012 ???, NS, JotD, AAD 9

A full day again.  Up at 5:30, early sitting, then down to New Haven for Special Olympics.  Once again, my wonderful wife kept everything moving so smoothly, that those of us on the Long Jump pits didn't have an issue the whole day.  Compliments all around, plus a visit from a state senator.

Maintained attention in the body from 9:00 to noon, with special attention to the GCNE team at the Transmission Hour.  Late e-mails confirm a good session, and worth the effort put in over the last two weeks.

Dinner and mini-golf with the niece & nephew, and now to bed.  Day off for practice intentionally moved to today, replaced by tomorrow.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Falling Forward

Friday June 8th, 2012 ???, NS, JotD, AAD 8

Rise later again, as I'll be doing an afternoon cross-fit workout with Rich.  Morning routine, and into work by 8:00.  Clearing out a few lingering items from yesterday, and planning forward for the day.  Something I had worked with a while ago from Franklin-Covey was having the following day planned by that evening - this falls in directly with the Decision/JotD exercise, and is something I need to get back to in my everyday work life.

For the rest of the day: follow up with folks and get status reports out.  Fun!

Encounters with Nature, Part 2: On the way out to lunch this afternoon, I had a black bear cross four lanes of traffic in front of me.  It was fast enough (and I was working to control the jeep) so I didn't have time for a picture, but it had to have been a good 300 pounder.

Complete work for the day, out to the park for the weekly Cross-fit session:
- 2 5 step ladders, presses, 35#
- 8 200 yard sprints, with 35# rows in between, descending to keep count of the sprints (8, then 7, then 6, etc.)

Home to meet my sister & nieces for dinner, a bit of play with A, who is staying overnight for tomorrow's Special O adventure.  Practice, and then to bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Riding Man

June 7th, 2012, ???, NS, JotD, AAD 7

Later rise, as I won't be doing my morning exercise routine, but a bike ride in the evening instead.  A decent ride in, with a small decision made as to how/where I would drive.  Experimenting with this to see if my experience of the ride is different - I'm not so concerned with the duration, but the experiential quality.

It looks to be another full day, which is good.

"Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is uniquely your own." - Bruce Lee

A decent day at work, when all is said and done.  Another shift in priorities requiring a shift in resources.  This is a dance we need to do constantly, and one I've never been particularly adept at.  I'm improving, but still have a struggle with feeling as if I'm always getting the short end in these situations.  I'm at the boundary for my resource allocation, and there is very little slack - these additional requests and priority shifts tend to drag at my resources, or so it seems.  In saying this, one can see that I'm certainly posessive, if not identified, with the resources and the work.  A better way of handling this today was to let go of that possesiveness, and communicate out the impact - ensure that since the priorities had changed, so should the expectations on other projects.  For now, this seemed to have worked, but people have short memories and I can expect to deal with this again next week, when the original delivery date passes.

Head out from work directly to a bike ride with my friend D.  Catching up on her situation(s) and things in general.  A solid ride of about 14 miles at a reasonable pace, n the occasional downpour.  One event of note: as we rode out, we were accosted by a screaming furball of terror: apparently a fisher cat had a kill or babies it was protecting.  At first, what was happening didn't register: is that a large ferret, or a small bear?  What is that noise?  Pretty funny in retrospect.

Home to dinner and practice, then to bed, earlier than the past few nights.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Running Man

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012, ???, NS, JoTD, AAD6

Difficult rise this morning, allowed myself a bit of a lie-in until 6:30.  Exercise options shifted from the normal morning routine - I'll be doing a run with part of the Wednesday dinner crew prior to dinner.

In to work, and a continuation of the fullness of the prior day.  I do have a sense that it is still not past the edge of control.  It will be important to maintain this throughout the day.  Fortunately, I don't have many meetings, and with some personal presence and attention, I should be able to carry through.

Home to dinner preparation, then out for a run - came to about 3.6 miles, more than I normally do at one time (I usually do a 1/2 mile or 1 mile run as part of my morning workouts).  Slogging pretty badly at the end, but that was to be expected.

Decent dinner - a sort of carbonara, with peas & fresh pasta from the farmer's market.  Fresh strawberries from the maket for dessert.

Practice this evening was a bit iffy.  Either too much run, or too much pasta.

To bed about midnight.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 189, NS, JoTD, AAD

Normal rise & sitting, then off to work.  Catch a few things, as well as a quick discussion with my manager about one of my projects.  I find it interesting how the network of executives works: an executive at a vendor we're considering called one of our execs.  I'm sure there's some discussion of where things stand, is there any other information we can get you, etc.  15 years ago, I would have had a very different (and outward) reaction to this.  Now I have the capacity to respond - I may not feel any differently about the attempt to influence the business customer's process, but I can respond to it with a measure of presence.

Gym this morning:
3 super-sets of 10 barbell presses (75#) & 6 pullups
3 super-sets of 6 dips & 10 one-arm rows (60#)
1/2 mile run

Opted for the upper body today, since my legs are still sore from hiking pallets up the back hill.


A full day today.  It felt like it was on the edge of being out of control - just pushing my capacity.  As usual, contact in the limbs is a necessity, and my feet are still flat on the floor.  Now to head home, and do some shopping for tomorrow's dinner.

Shopping completed, with the added bonus of a roasted chicken to break down for sandwiches.  Some frivolous computing, then to the practice room, and finally to bed.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Completion Without an Ending

Monday, June 4th, 2012 ???, NS, JoTD, AAD

Rise later then normal, closer to 6:45.  The late night and long weekend took their toll.  I'm also very sore from the combination of the Friday workout and the weekend of pallet moving and deconstruction, therefore, no morning workout planned.  This is fine, since I really didn't take a physical break this weekend.

In to work and preparing for the day.  Finding both feet on the floor, rather than in their normal "wrapped-around-the-chairleg" mode.  Still carry-over from the course which, with some attention, I should be able to maintain.

A fundamental question for my everyday worklife: how to adequately prepare the day or week, while still remaining available for the inevitable changes in plans?  Even beyond this, with the constantly changing landscape of work, how to provide a sense of completion, even when something nearing its end is halted for a new priority?  I sense in this one of the keys to my (and my team's) success and well-being.

To put it another way: An ending can be a finish, a conclusion or a completion.  Can we have a completion without actually ending something?

AAD practice completed (notes are here), full list of repertoire for the 6/9 taping posted, with above/below the line recommendations.  I don't have a good handle on the flow (building tempos, piece-to-piece communication, etc.), so I'll have to leave that to Dev and Victor.

Begin a download, and to bed.

First Market Day & Auditions 2

Sunday June 3rd, 2012, ???, S!, JoTD

Rise at 7:30, and out to The Flea for 8:15.  This is always an exercise in discrimination for me, especially this early in the season.  I have a natural predilection for collecting, so wandering through rows of other people's stuff pulls me.  This time of year there is a pent up supply of castoffs, estate liquidations and tag-sale detritus from the winter.  I have a few tactics to manage this (beyond the basic awareness exercises), so I was able to walk away with one small purchase - an unusual, but useful, set of sockets. 

After this home to a quick snack, and then to the first farmer's market of the season.  As expected, a bit of a madhouse, but we arrived early, so parking and navigating the stalls was pretty straightforward.  We had a plan, and pretty much stuck to it.  Got a few things for the Wednesday dinner, and studiously avoided the amazingly good anginette tea cookies from Meriano's.

Afternoon back at the place with the shipping crates.  Someone had already come and broken down the tops of the crates, so all I had left was the last base.  Part of me was relieved, as that would have been a lot of work.  I now have sufficient wood for at least one potting bench and a woodworking bench.  I need to rearrange the garage space so I can store wood there, but in the meantime, things are drying on one of the wood piles.

Garbage and cat litter competed, then to the shower in preparation for evening 2 of prep work with the Circle.

Back from the Circle.  An hour delay in beginning, as one of the team, coming off a 17 hour work day, overslept.  A good 2 hours of work, continuing to audition repertoire, make adjustments, and improve the quality and sense of what will be performed for the taping on the 9th.  I have a sense of what I would include in the list, and need to draft a final set list and running order for Victor & Dev, as well as a rough overview of the plan for the day.  Things will change in the moment, but I feel that the team is well prepared for this.

Home at 11:30, and to bed.  A day off from the guitar.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Saturday, June 2nd, 2012 ???, NS

Rise at 7:30, after what is perhaps the first full night's sleep I've had since well before the course.  Still a drag to get up (probably attributable to last night's Moonchesters (Onyx moonshine - a local variety, grapefruit juice, lime juice and honey).  A decent sitting, though, with less fidgeting and more contact.

Out to begin the day.  Collecting used pallets, which will be put to work as compost bins and places to put the many cords of wood I still have to split after the October storm.  Also disassembling large shipping crates, which will be transformed into a potting bench and a work bench.  The rain makes it a bit of a slog, but I'm getting through it quickly, and the Jeep is being heroic, as she always is.

A full day, with a sense of completion.  Pallets moved to their necessary locations, first shipping crate base broken into its component parts and stored under cover to dry, dishes done, bathroom cleaned.

AAD guitar practice to complete the day.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Awake, despite myself

Friday, June 1st 186, NS

Alarms at the normal times, but rise a bit late after getting home about 1:00.

Strange end of the day yesterday: I was running out of steam during a two hour meeting, working very hard to remain in my body as a strategy for not letting my head smack the table as as I fell asleep.  That would be very embarrassing in a four-person meeting.  Leave after my last meeting and head out to Bridgewater to meet the team for preparatory work for the June 9th video taping. 

I've had my doubts about this performance; video is something very different from in-the-moment performance, and although I had a prior commitment and won't be able to attend, I was also skeptical as to whether we had sufficient performable music at a high enough quality to fill the time required.  On the final evening of the course I had a useful talk with Dev and Rick, and in doing so, had a clear insight as to my role for this performance.  So I have taken on the Music Director role, an impartially partial observer, whip and pointed stick to support the team getting up to performance level.

Last night was the first meeting as a team after the course (Victor being unavailable due to prior family commitments).  I was probably a bit gentler than I should have been, but I was pleasantly surprised by where things stood.  I honestly don't believe we were ready to do this before the course, but following this session, I'm feeling more positive.  There is still a good amount of work to do, especially with dynamics, energy and presence, and only two more meetings to get there (or as close as we can).  Sunday we'll have the full team together - I have a basic plan brewing for this meeting and the next.

Accepted into the latest GCE at-a-distance course.  Now eagerly awaiting the web site and login information, so that I may continue the course that never ends.
Checked out flights to Mendoza from Boston.  Yikes.  Argentina looking less likely, but Hope is ever present.

A thought regarding fear: many times, my first reaction to a new situation is fear and avoidance.  Deeper in, it's a question of fear of failure vs. fear of futility: am I afraid that I may fail, or am I afraid that the effort is a futile one?  How then to know the difference, be present to the fear, and turn that energy into something useful.

Friday workout with Rich & my fellow Mudders:
- Squat competition (increase by 2 every round; with a 35# and 44# I got up to 12)
- 3 rounds:
     - 5 presses each arm
     - 10 rows each arm
     - 15 burpees
     - 20 overhead swings
- ~1 mile run

I was pretty good up to the run and did the first two sets with the 35# and the last one with the 44#

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Next Step

5/31/2012 - 186, NS

Early rise, and preparing for work, as I got to bed later than I expected.  I can see the day ahead, and it's full.

I was reviewing my notes and impressions of the course at Camp Caravan this past week, and had a sense of a tangible change coming out.  It has been nearly 5 years since the first course at Caravan, and I have a sense of a cycle nearing its completion.  I came out of this course with information about the next courses, and I can see how I fit into them as a sequence:

- GCE OCG Preparatory AAD 6/1/2012 - 8/7/2012
- The Lunlunta course is probably off the table, but there is a lot of space between now and October
- Introduction to the Guitar Circle,. Cuernavaca, México,  1/28/2013 - 2/6/2013
- OCG course in 2013

I can see stepping into the House Manager role again if we end up back at Camp Caravan.  I have some skepicism that the site will be ready for the numbers, but for now, I'm assuming the virtue.  I can see that something larger will be completed for me at the end of the OCG course.


Question: what is the work I need to do to reach a completion at the OCG course?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Introduction to the Guitar Circle, Camp Caravan, Final Day

May 29th, 2012 188, S!

0630 - Rise
0715 - Sitting (Conservatory)
0800 - Standing Breakfast
0915 - House Restoration

The first departures of the day began at 7:30 - a large van-load heading to Boston.  After breakfast, meet with the remaining participants to begin the process of restoring the house to a better-than-original state.  We got a few things done the night before, and the many hands available mean that we get everything on my list complete by 10:30.  Remarkable.  The only thing I didn't do was give the team a reminder not to lose the things they had learned in the week, particularly maintaining some sense of Presence while doing this work.

At 11:30, the last large group heads on their way, including the rest of the GCNE folks.  Robert's 11:30 meeting does not show, so when his transportation arrives, the Wonder Wheelies are packed, and after some kind words about the course, he's off.

Naturally, the 11:30 meeting arrived about 5 minutes after Robert left.  She was disappointed, but seemed to understand (more that I've seen in others who have missed a meeting).

I underestimated my time to get myself out of the facility.  Again.  Even though I was off by about 30 minutes, cearly I need to work on my optimism in these situations.  I completed my time at the facility at 1:09 PM and was on the road...

...and back to the Camp at 1:45 because I hadn't taken the motion detecting lights out of the port-a-potties.

Home at 4:00, unpacking the Jeep, putting away all of the sundries and extra food items.  Officially completed my work as House Manager at 5:35.

Dinner with my wonderful wife, and relaxing for the evening.