Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Here comes the course

Here comes the course.
In the week leading up to a guitar course, for me there is a ramping up of energy, a sharpening of focus, an awareness of internal and external detail.  I wonder at this – am I simply anticipating the course, and so am more aware of what I do ahead of it?  Is there a real energy created by the attendees as they begin their preparation – a shared aim creating something in the universe that was absent only a week ago?  How does one empirically test such a thing?  Is that even necessary?
Energy flows in and seeks an outlet.  The guitar is there.  The vacuum is there.  The bathroom is there.  The garden is there.  All welcome places for that energy and its consequences.
Time slows and more becomes available.  Everything in a breath.  Ample time for doing what is necessary.  No need to hurry.

The trick, as always: how to create that energy despite the lack of a course.  Or even better: how to make life one long course.


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