Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ending the week

Friday, June 15th, 2012, ???, NS, JotD, AAD 15

Rise at 5:45, sit and begin working at 6:30.  Working from the home/mobile office today, as I need some service done on the Jeep.  270K requires a bit of attention.

Release status meeting at 11:00 today.

A long day, ending near 11:00 PM, as the release progresses.  A number of issues have arisen, none related to the actual release.  In fact, they are all issues with the previous version that the increased testing attention has forced to the surface.  Unfortunately, from a project perspective, they must all be resolved for this to be usable as a daily reporting tool.  So onward we go.