Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lie Down

Tuesday June 19th, 2012, 189, S!, JotD, AAD 19

Rise at 5:45 after little sleep - the dog was in full whiney-itchy mode, and never really settled.  Rise this morning with the first of the AAD themes in mind: Intention.  As the feet hit the floor, I can visualize the initial part of my day: the sitting, the drive to work, my initial review of work e-mail, my daily workout.

Set out for work and realize that in my haste to get out of the house, I've already lost connection with the day.  Reconnect as I get in the Jeep, and begin again.

Morning workout:
Barbell deadlift - 3 sets of 6 @ 135#
Dumbell front squats - 3 sets of 6 @ 70# (60# on the last set)
One leg calf raises - 1 set of 15 @ 190#
Leg curls - 1 set of 15 @ 130#
Cross-body sit-ups - 3 sets of 10 on each side

Lighter weight on the deadlift and squats this week, to protect my back and work on form.  Still having a bit of a twinge, this week in my right leg and hip rather than the left.  More comfortable sitting this week, less so in walking - running still seems to be fine.  I have a feeling this is more a back/neuro issue than a muscle issue. 

It seems an odd and amusing thing to me that eight of the top ten books on Amazon today are either 50 Shades of Grey, Game of Thrones or the Hunger Games. 

Had to do an AT lie-down at work for the first time in years - definitely made a difference in my back.  I think I'll be scheduling this more often during the remainder of the week.  I had my left ankle settle in a way that I hadn't experienced since about 2002.  The thing I noticed was that at the same time, my left hip settled as well - not as dramatically (you can almost hear the ankle shift as it moves to the floor), but it was certainly there.  More importantly, I was as well.

Leave work and do some shoppipng for tomorrow's dinner, then home, begin some prep work (chopping, starting the pork), practice, then to bed.