Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Awake, despite myself

Friday, June 1st 186, NS

Alarms at the normal times, but rise a bit late after getting home about 1:00.

Strange end of the day yesterday: I was running out of steam during a two hour meeting, working very hard to remain in my body as a strategy for not letting my head smack the table as as I fell asleep.  That would be very embarrassing in a four-person meeting.  Leave after my last meeting and head out to Bridgewater to meet the team for preparatory work for the June 9th video taping. 

I've had my doubts about this performance; video is something very different from in-the-moment performance, and although I had a prior commitment and won't be able to attend, I was also skeptical as to whether we had sufficient performable music at a high enough quality to fill the time required.  On the final evening of the course I had a useful talk with Dev and Rick, and in doing so, had a clear insight as to my role for this performance.  So I have taken on the Music Director role, an impartially partial observer, whip and pointed stick to support the team getting up to performance level.

Last night was the first meeting as a team after the course (Victor being unavailable due to prior family commitments).  I was probably a bit gentler than I should have been, but I was pleasantly surprised by where things stood.  I honestly don't believe we were ready to do this before the course, but following this session, I'm feeling more positive.  There is still a good amount of work to do, especially with dynamics, energy and presence, and only two more meetings to get there (or as close as we can).  Sunday we'll have the full team together - I have a basic plan brewing for this meeting and the next.

Accepted into the latest GCE at-a-distance course.  Now eagerly awaiting the web site and login information, so that I may continue the course that never ends.
Checked out flights to Mendoza from Boston.  Yikes.  Argentina looking less likely, but Hope is ever present.

A thought regarding fear: many times, my first reaction to a new situation is fear and avoidance.  Deeper in, it's a question of fear of failure vs. fear of futility: am I afraid that I may fail, or am I afraid that the effort is a futile one?  How then to know the difference, be present to the fear, and turn that energy into something useful.

Friday workout with Rich & my fellow Mudders:
- Squat competition (increase by 2 every round; with a 35# and 44# I got up to 12)
- 3 rounds:
     - 5 presses each arm
     - 10 rows each arm
     - 15 burpees
     - 20 overhead swings
- ~1 mile run

I was pretty good up to the run and did the first two sets with the 35# and the last one with the 44#