June 10th, 2012, ???, NS, JoTD, AAD 10
Rise at 6:30, sit & out with my niece for breakfast a the Omelete. Havent' raelly done breakfast in a while, and even though I ate far too much yesterday, I still had an omelet and most of my (loaded) hash browns.
Out to The Flea - I still dont know why skimming through other people's junk is entertaining to me. Perhaps I've got a lingering yankee thing, where I hate to see anything that might be useful sit somewhere other than my garage. OK, not perhaps. Regardless, I resisted the urge and let a few things go; perhaps this is the most useful exercise I can do on a Sunday - keeping in mind what is necessary.
After The Flea, out to the farmer's market. Strawberries, popcorn, onions, mustard, peas & garlic. The beginnings of my Wednesday meal are appearing.
At 1:00, my sister arrives to pick up my niece, I head out to lunch with D & L, back to the house to take care of Sunday necessities, then practice and some gaming to complete the night.
Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.