Friday June 22nd, 2012, 191, NS, JotD, AAD 22
Rise at 5:55, 10 minutes after the alarm. Curious how a small shift in time can have a larger impact later, unless one is very careful. Today I am able to manage this, keeping the theme of Intention in mind, and arrive at work at 7:00, even with the quick trip around the yard to check a couple of the plantings. Potatoes are taking off!
The schedule doesn't look too dramatic today, so I may be able to get all of my status and updates done by the time I leave. The plan is to have our Friday workout a bit earlier today, so we can begin the weekend a bit sooner. Looking forward to a break in the heat tomorrow.
A reasonable day today, status reports & updates out to the various teams. A big milestone today with one of the more challenging projects, which will allow us to have a completion for a change. It is sad that this is the case - I'm constantly amazed at the resilience of the teams, despite the fact that there is no closure to these projects, no real way to acknowledge success (or failure) and move on.
Friday workout was a good one:
Tabata sequence: 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest, do the most reps you can each round, score on the lowest number of reps in the 8 rounds
Dumbell rows (2 hands, 25#)
2 minute rest
Pushups 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest
2 minute rest
Dumbell squats (2 hands, 25#) 8 rounds of 20 sec work, 10 sec rest
16 minutes total - 10 rows, 6 pushups, 6 squats
Home to a nice weather weekend.
Irregular comments, noticings, and perhaps the occasional observation.